Evening Classes

Students in Dalet, Hay, Vav and Zayin (4th through 7th grades), and their families, come together for evening learning sessions at various times throughout the year.

Dalet: Students and their families share one dinner session together, and study about the Shema and V’ahavta.

Hay: Students and their families share one dinner session together at the conclusion of the Kashrut module, where students prepare a kosher dairy dinner for their families at the synagogue, and study together some of the principles of kashrut and its importance today.

Vav: Students and their families share two dinner sessions together. The first is at the conclusion of the Sifrei Kodesh module, where students present their learning on the holy Jewish books that have been their focus. The second is towards the end of the Life Cycle unit, when students and parents learn separately and together facilitated by representatives from Shalom Bayit, a center working to prevent domestic violence.

Zayin: Students and their families share three dinner sessions together, one at the end of each unit of study: public speaking (students deliver a two minute drash based upon their b’mitzvah Torah portion);  Holocaust (families listen to the story of a survivor within the TBA community and ask questions); Israel (families participate in an Israel identification exercise to better understand the narrative of Israel that they most identify with).